Sunday, 25 November 2007

Kylie Minogue Lives In Constant Fear Of The Cancer Returning

Kylie Minogue was one of the lucky ones, having beat cancer and still able to return to normal living. But something has changed inside of her. She can’t shake the fear of the illness returning. Every time she gets sick, she thinks the worse. Last year she had to cancel some performances because she had a chest infection. Kylie’s immediate thought was the cancer had returned.

“I was terrified - it was a scary moment. And there have been moments since then. Your body and muscles have a memory of the way it was when you were sick and there are definitely times when I float back to that place. I had migraines a few weeks ago and I just went, ‘Yeesh - no, please.’”

You never read about this part of the disease. I know several people who have had cancer (some beat it and others did not) and none mentioned this lingering fear. It makes complete sense. Here she is performing on the French program, Star Academy.

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